Think Thank Thunk

The glory of God is man fully alive.                 St. Irenaeus

Location: Aztec, New Mexico, United States

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Tonga Crew

These are the guys we worked with to build the service buildings for their community.


Blogger Soul Level said...

How about more on this?

11:21 PM  
Blogger complexspecificity said...

The community leaders would like us to come back and help them build a community center. I understand someone has raised some of the funds.

Zimbabwe is still spiralling downward. The inflation is currently 3600% per year and soon to be 4000%. Prices are changed daily. Can you imagine and inflation rate of about 10% per day? Food is scarce, HIV about 50%, mortality high. The last lifespan data I heard was 38 for men and 34 for women and had dropped about one year for every two since I had been there.

There is probably no value (long term) in helping them until they get rid of their government. I can see the temptation of Foreign Service departments to encourage government overthrow and assassinations. It’s probably a lot like raising children. We’d like to make their decisions for them but in the end their government is their choice and we have to live with watching them suffer. We can see the difficulty of choosing governments for a people by what is happening in Iraq.

8:24 AM  

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